Political apathy in this country is a growing problem that needs to be immediately addressed. I've refused to discuss it because I didn't want to rub certain people the wrong way. I tried to avoid controversy because I'd rather get to know someone before getting completely cutoff from them because of my political views. However, things have changed and so have I.
Since when did discussing politics become as divisive as discussing religion? There is a right way to discuss politics with someone and there is a wrong way. In my opinion, the people that try to avoid political discussions either: a) don't care, b) don't know anything about the topic at hand, and/or c) have become utterly disgusted in the political atmosphere in this country that they have turned a blind eye towards Washington, DC.
I have respected their wishes for long enough. I no longer care about how I am perceived or whether a certain person likes me or not. I love my country and I worry about the future. I'm no longer going to sit quietly and watch my country continue down the path that it is now currently traveling on. I'm not here to make friends; I'm here to make a difference.
Now, I have a lot of friends that like to discuss politics with me. Foreign, domestic, etc., it doesn't matter. However, there are some of my friends that prefer to talk about reality television or which musician/athlete is dating Kim Kardashian. I don't care about reality TV nor do I care about any talentless celebrity. I care about my country. It's a shame that more people don't feel the same way. It's because of them that this country is in the shape that it is today.
I understand how a young person could be shied away in regards to politics. It's difficult to understand, there is a lot going on, and it's difficult to keep up with the daily occurrences in the state capital and Washington, DC. This is especially difficult for some people because there are so many other things that require our attention. We all have bills to pay, jobs to work, kids to take care of, homes to maintain, etc. There's so much to do and so little time. As I said, I understand these reasons; I just refuse to accept them.
Your political inaction makes it that much harder for those of us that actually do pay attention. Despite all of the disturbances in life, many of us make the necessary sacrifices in order to devote time towards the democratic process. Some people come home from work, eat dinner, have a glass of wine, watch TV, and go to bed. Other people, like myself, come home from work, read, study, and analyze all things political. Getting more than 4 hours of sleep in a given night is considered a success. We do this because we care and we need to know what's going on. We need to know because we feel that it's important for you to know as well.
I don't blame people for wanting to enjoy their lives. However, I do blame people for wanting to do nothing BUT enjoy their lives. True, it is your life and you're free to do whatever your heart desires. However, it's your political apathy that makes this a personal issue between you and I. The responsibility that you refuse to accept must be carried by other people.
My job is difficult because politically apathetic people are becoming more and more prevalent. The political processes in the United States is like carrying a heavy object; the more people that we have lifting, the less energy it requires from each individual person.
I understand that some of the "things" that take place in Washington DC are disgusting. Believe me, I'm with you. However, these "things" were made possible because the elected officials knew that they could get away with it. Most of the actions taking place in Washington DC are made public. However, there is so much information to follow that doing so is very difficult and, at times, hard to locate.
I've heard from many people that they hate politics and would rather not talk about it. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that from people. Every time I have heard someone say that, I wanted to tell them exactly what I've been saying this entire time.
I don't care that you don't like discussing politics. Because of your apathy, I, and others like me, have to carry the weight of the responsibility that you refuse to accept. This country is in the shape that it is now because of people like you. I share some responsibility because there have been times where I could have tried a little harder. However, I'm the one volunteering time to educate voters on the issues and the candidates, you aren't. I'm also the one that encourages people to register to vote and gives them a ride down to the polls on Election Day. I also try to simplify things for people so that they can better understand it. You, however, just complain about the latest episode of Jersey Shore and how poorly the running back on your fantasy football team is playing.
This isn't just my country; it belongs to every one of us. We all play a crucial role in this democratic republic and we all have a responsibility. Simply voting isn't enough to fully carry out your patriotic duties. We all must engage, remain active, read, listen, learn, and carry that passion on to other people. We must, once again, take this country back. I'm not talking about taking it back from the Democrats or the Republicans. I'm talking about taking it back from the very people that have made Washington DC what it is today; the very thing that turns people off from the political process. They've made it this disgusting and WE did nothing to stop them.
I don't care where you are on the political/economic spectrum; we're all Americans. We all have a duty to perform and we all must do our parts.
This will not turn around overnight. This will take time, sacrifice, and a real effort from people that understand the process and where to find information. Those people, such as myself, have a duty to educate other people and to make them self-sufficient. They, in turn, will help someone else. And so on and so on. This is what it will take.
It doesn't matter what kind of job you have or what kind of career you work in. We all perform a duty that affects another person's life. Whether you change someone's oil, style their hair, play music, fill in a pothole with concrete, or you bring someone their food order, you all perform a duty that we need/want and people are willing to pay you for it. We all play a role in someone else's life each day. Positively influencing people shouldn't stop as soon as you clock out. It should be a continual process.
We all care about our family, our friends, and ourselves. In the basic sense, that is consistent for all people. Our country has an affect over all of these people, including people we don't know. We should all care about our country, but this isn't always the case. When a country starts falling apart, so do its people. Case in point, the Great Depression. The well-being of a country affects all of us. It starts in the neighborhoods where we live, carries on to the towns and cities that we live in, to the counties we live in, to the state that those counties are in, and, ultimately, our country. Sometimes just helping someone in our neighborhood can ultimately help out an entire town, a county, a state, and/or an entire country.
From this day on I will do whatever is within my means to educate other people and help them better understand the issues, the candidates, and, ultimately, the political process. I will make sacrifices when needed and I will encourage others to do the same. I will not avoid the topic of politics simply because someone feels uncomfortable or offended. Nobody should be offended by a person trying to make this country a better place. They feel uncomfortable because they're just starting off. Find a common ground and move on from there. Get their interest and tell them the important their participation is. Remain as unpartisan as you can and for as long as you can. Once people start becoming interested and engaged, they'll find their own paths. There is nothing worse than having a politically active individual that only understands one side of particular subject. The difference between right and wrong is purely based upon our own morals and beliefs.
I promise to read as much as I can and on as many subjects/topics as I can. There is no limit to the knowledge that one can absorb. I promise to remain passionate and I only ask that you do the same.
The disgusting state of affairs in Washington DC is the result of your political apathy. Instead of popping the cork on another bottle of wine, try to learn about the American political process. Instead of turning on Jersey Shore, try reading The Economist. Instead of turning on Spongebob Squarepants for a child, try teaching them about the American presidents. There are no more excuses and certainly no one else you can blame. Take responsibility for yourself, fulfill your duties as an American citizen, and start paying attention.
1 comment:
As for me, I try my best to stay current with politics and the other controversial subject: religion. Yet, while YOU have your passion, I also have my own. I think that the problem is that we as a whole have lost passion. It seems a select few of us have a passionate heart and want to spread as much information to others as possible. Importance of issues in general is what we need to educate. You have been given a gift to educate others in the realm of politics. Both of us are addicted to learning and education and always will be. The importance of educating yourself is crucial and the passion to do so. Where there are lack of voters, there are low income individuals struggling to get food on their tables and heat to warm their young ones. Not that they are apathetic to their country, their passion lays elsewhere. And the fact that we are in a system where we must be in constant competition for an imaginary dollar that in factual accounts means absolutley nothing, keeps us at bay, running on a hamster wheel, like slaves. Getting a little off track. The importance of self education is what we should be promoting and that's what you're doing. I take my passion and do the same. The problem sometimes is there is so much I want to learn and absorb that there is not enough time in the day. Focus on what your heart is most passionate about and go for it!!
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