Friday, January 19, 2007

American "Idle"

Let's face reality...a lot of people watch American Idol...a lot of people. To be accurate, roughly 37.5 million people watched the season debut. Let's look at this from my point of view because, well...this is my blog! HA! American Idol recently had an article written about them in the new Newsweek. It covers certain "hopefuls" who have tried out time and time again. A few of them have actually auditioned every single year since it began 6 years ago. Now, of course, they haven't made much of an impact because they're still trying! If these feebleminded individuals actually put that sort of effort into college or a job for 6 years...they could be making some serious money and or be in a great position of seniority. The dream or fantasy of being famous occurs to most all people, but many of them (like myself) realize that those dreams will never become a reality. True, some people have actually overcome the odds to become famous, but that percentage is not the encouraging number many claim it is. The reality of the people who continually try to become famous year in and year out is depressing. Most of them probably still live with their parents' basement/garage or haven't made up their mind on what they want to do with their life. Okay, sure. We've all been in that place before, but we didn't put our limited effort into something that would never make up for it. We placed our effort into something less desirable, but more realistic. The fact of the matter is, if you aren't making the world better with your life then your life is meaningless. You may mean a lot to some people (family, friends, etc.), but by delaying your actual're making the world a less progressive place for everyone. Imagine if Albert Einstein or anyone working for the Manhattan Project decided to chase a wild and crazy dream of losing their sense of respect to become "famous". In this world, sometimes respect is all one has. American Idol, in my opinion, is making this country more unintelligent and more egocentrical. Shame on the marketing individuals that put entertainment over education. Shame on people who are willing to sell their soul for something that will never fully make them whole. This world needs people who are willing to make a difference by making sacrifices, not chasing stupid dreams by selling themselves out. And that's the final word.

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